Historical memories
In earlier centuries, this was predominantly damp heath and marsh, an impenetrable area. Not for nothing did the Romans build a road on the dry transition from middle to upper terrace, the current Prinsendijk, as part of the Heirbaantracé Maastricht - Xanten - Nijmegen.
Every natural area has its own cultural-historical past, its own landscape character. Many natural areas are therefore characterized by something special. As far as Meerlebroek is concerned, this is its location. Situated at the foot of the escarpment, the Meerlebroek benefits fully from this exceptional position. The rainwater that falls on the high terrace slowly seeps through the various soil layers and then, filtered and enriched with minerals, seeps out as seepage water into the Meerlebroek. Thus, fens have been created over the years, providing an ideal habitat for both flora and fauna.
At the Muiterdijk a picnic and parking area has been created. It is also the starting point of the marked hiking trail that leads through the Meerlebroek, past peacefully grazing Galloway cattle, partly over the Prinsendijk, and between two fens. While walking and enjoying, one gets a good impression of the natural beauty of the Meerlebroek.